It is not an ordinary Naming Day Signature Plate. It is special for the process of making the pen writings stick is special too. One of a kind wedding gift; it can be one of the couple’s treasured wedding gift. It can? Yes if you are creative enough. You can ask friends in advance to write a short message on the plate or you can ask them to write a message during the wedding reception.It does not matter where- it can be on the front plate or at the back plate. If there are friends who cannot attend for a certain reason, the more that you ask them to leave a message for the couple. Then you baked the plate in the oven for 35 minutes at 150 degrees. Make sure that you bake the plate within24 hours. If the bride want somebody to add a message for her on the plate then she can just request the person to write it on the plate and bake it again.
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